5 ways to improve your freelance writing career
The freelance writing industry is competitive, but there are ways you can improve your career as a writer. Here are five tips to help you get ahead.

As a freelance writer, you can write whatever and whenever you want. It's your own business, so you call all the shots.
But that doesn't mean it's easy – we all know the income can be quite unstable. Freelance writing is a career where you're constantly hustling for work, which means there's no time to rest on your laurels.
Being a freelance writer requires a willingness to learn and the discipline to put in the requisite effort for success.
But what should you do if all of your freelance writing and editing projects stop for a month?
The truth is, building a successful and stable career as a freelance writer is very achievable. However, as a freelance writer, you must continuously improve beyond things you've already got your hands on.
With such a large pool of talents, you'll always need to consistently improve yourself to stay in the game – here are five ways.

Set a minimum rate
When you're starting out as a freelance writer, you might receive more calls on low-paying writing jobs. You accept them because you need the experience and exposure to potential clients.
While this works in your early career, don't keep it up in the long run. Every freelance writer should decide what minimal payment they will accept for each project. It could not just save you time when it comes to narrowing down prospects, but it also tells prospective clients your worth.
If you keep on taking underpaid projects, you won’t improve your standing, and it'll close the opportunity to meet the right clients.

Learn from other freelancers' experiences
Have you gone on LinkedIn, only to feel envious of what others have achieved? Don’t worry, this is pretty normal, since that’s a platform that is, let’s just say, conducive to boasting. But why not turn those feelings into motivation or even better – a strategy instead?
If you look at other freelancers' profiles, you could also look at their previous jobs or projects. How they start from scratch and later make their names known by being part of a renowned project.
By analyzing and comparing, you could learn how they make their way to the top and could apply it to your career path. After all, life is a continuous learning experience, right?
Offer products
Let's say that you've handled more than 5 clients. Without a doubt, you're already got the hang of it. You know the hacks and the know-how to deliver the best for the client. So why not archive that knowledge into an e-book that you can either sell or use as a gimmick to promote your works?
Not only could you showcase your name, but you can also generate more income from selling your e-books. It's also an excellent marketing option to generate leads while giving your clients more value.

Speak, moderate or host events
There's no better way to promote yourself than to show that you're the best in the field. By becoming a speaker or hosting a webinar or workshop, people would know that you're an expert in your field or niche.
It'll also generate long-time engagement where your potential client could stumble into a recording of the webinar and could find you there without you needing to engage in extra promotional activity.

You don't need to undergo a hassle such as using Zoom or Google Meet. You could just hold it on your Instagram Live or Twitter Space. And then, make full use of your social media presence to gather the masses.
Don't depend on just one or two clients
Search for more clients as you work for another client. Since you won't know when they will cease working with you, it’s better to have “backups” on hand.
Some freelancers work for 3-4 long-term clients monthly, and some pursue more short-term projects so they won't feel bored doing the same things each month.
So what you should do is compile a list of numerous clients who only work for you once in a while and talk to them about whether they want to do more projects with you. Who knows if you could find a client who will pay you above average.

The journey of being a freelance writer is not always the simplest one. But working as one is said to be fulfilling and enjoyable in many ways, despite its ups and downs. Besides, being your own boss and having unlimited flexibility will lead you to many wondrous adventures.
So there you have it – hopefully, these tips and tricks do wonders for your writing career. Stay motivated, folks.
ContentGrow is a freelance writer's secret weapon for landing vetted inbound clients. The platform matches each client with niche-appropriate writers at preferred rates. Sign up to get your invite and free portfolio here.